Parking Lots Surveillance Solutions

Parking Lots

Professional Solutions

Solution overview

Nowadays, parking lots operators are striving to make the most economical use of their lots. Drivers have difficulty finding a free space conveniently in enormous parking lots. Even car park operators often complain about the low utilization of spaces. 

Hikvision‘s  Parking Lot Management Solutions can guide drivers to a free space quickly, and streamline the flow of parking, freeing up spaces more quickly for further occupation, helping optimizing operation, and providing extra layers of security.

Challenges to Parking Lots

Solution for Entrance & Exit Management

Hikvision offers smooth entry and exit experience with authorized license plates to boost access efficiency. With ANPR-empowered products, vehicle records are easy to retrieve for efficient operation. 

Vehicle records


  • Simplify the vehicles records and retrieval for efficient security management
  • Visualize data analysis of vehicles to explore more operation insights


  • Recording of vehicle license plates, images, and video
  • ANPR license plate fuzzy match, event filter, date & time,…
  • Blocklist alarm
  • Vehicle counting for analysis

Access authentication


  • Improve traffic efficiency with smooth passing through experience
  • Enhanced security by authentication and video record
  • Manage temporary vehicles effectively with manual adjustment


  • Support vehicle authentication, blocklist alarm, and passing vehicle monitoring
  • Manual license correction and barrier control
  • Call remote center for no-toll-booth scenario or when the booth is off-duty
  • Support statistics of operation data

Solution for Indoor Parking Guidance

Hikvision provides an intuitive indicator for efficient parking, taking data from parking guidance cameras and showing the numbers and locations of all available spaces on the indoor display screens. It gives drivers further direction on how to get to free spaces, making navigating large car parks less stressful. 

What we offer


  • Elevated parking experience via full-cycle visual guidance 
  • Improved rush hour efficiency, helping drivers quickly find vacant parking spaces and quickly locating where a vehicle was parked


  • Display vacant parking spaces in each direction
  • Multi-color light indications of parking space type and status
  • Self-service inquiry of vehicle parking location

Solution for Parking Fee Rules

Hikvision provides flexible parking fee rule configuration and retrievable vehicle payment records for most fee policies, helping speed up daily operations and prevent loss with various features, such as discount and coupon management, automatic receipt display, etc. 

What we offer


  • Great usability with most commonly-used fee configuration
  • Boost loss prevention and anti-fraud tactics
  • Enhanced operation with more intuitive data-driven management 


  • Flexible parking fee rule configuration
  • Support personalized payment rules 
  • Support discount, coupon, and card/ticket cost management 
  • Support license plate record
  • Pay at Exit booth, prepay at toll station or account top-up

Solution for Operation & Management

Hikvision helps operators maximize their efficiency and returns using management statistics, such as detailed entry and exit records, statistics on vehicle flow, space utilization, and more. 

What we offer


Adding Efficiency for Parking Management

  • Vehicle records retrieval with automatic plate recognition
  • Video record provides evidence for better dispute settlement

Operation statistical report for better decision

  • Diverse reports to explore more operational insights
  • Detailed charges and visual management to optimize the management effectiveness


  • Flexible and efficient entrance & exit management, featuring customizable access rules for vehicles and integration with ANPR cameras or self-service card & ticket dispensers
  • Intuitive and efficient parking operation and transaction reports, such as detailed entry and exit records, statistics on vehicle flow, space utilization, etc.

All Solution Product List

  • Entrance & exit management:




    HikCentral Professional

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  • Indoor Parking Guidance:




    HikCentral Professional

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  • Parking Fee Rules:





    HikCentral Professional

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  • Operation & Management:



12 Products